Conditional Recipes

Generate documents based on a condition. Example: Create course certificates with individual templates for different course types on the same board.

In the following example, we want to create course certificates based on the course type. Each course type has a different template.

Setting up the recipes

  1. Create a new 'Item Level' recipe

  2. In Step 3, click on 'Advanced settings' and select the status column for the condition. In our example, the status column is called 'Course' and the label is 'Course A' Note: currently, only the column 'Status' is supported.

  3. We only want to execute the automations/integrations for this recipe, when this condition is met

  4. Repeat the steps for the other conditions (e.g. Course B, Course C,...) as well

One recipe per condition

The end result is one template and one recipe per condition.

List of recipes:

List of templates:

Setup the automations/integrations

The last step is to setup the automations to trigger the recipes.

In our example, we want to trigger the automation, as soon as the status changes to 'Done'.

We need one automation per recipe:

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