Placeholder Directory
Here's a list of the most common placeholders for DocExport PDF Generator. There are more placeholders for special use cases. If you miss a feature, please contact us and we're happy to help.
Last updated
Here's a list of the most common placeholders for DocExport PDF Generator. There are more placeholders for special use cases. If you miss a feature, please contact us and we're happy to help.
Last updated
Use placeholders from this list to create a Microsoft Word (docx) template from scratch, or use one of our free templates as a starting point.
You can also use your existing business documents and replace your static text with placeholders:
These are general placeholders you can use in your docx templates.
-> General placeholder format for item-level documents. Replace 'ColumnTitle' with the actual title of your board column
-> Item name or first column of your board
-> Date of document creation (e.g. 24/12/2024)
-> Name of your monday board
-> Description of your monday board
-> Name of the group of the item (e.g. New Tasks)
-> Name of monday user
-> Email address of monday user
Replace 'Timeline' with the actual title of your timeline column. If your column title is 'Actual Planned', the placeholder would be {{Item.Actual Planned}}
{{Item.Timeline}} -> Start and End Date (e.g. 24/12/2024 - 31/12/2024)
{{Item.Timeline#Start}} -> Only the start date from a timeline column (e.g. 24/12/2024)
{{Item.Timeline#End}} -> Only the end date from a timeline column (e.g. 31/12/2024)
Replace 'Date' with the actual title of your date column. If your column title is 'Due Date', the placeholder would be {{Item.Due Date}}
{{Item.Date}} -> Date + time from your date column with standard formatting (e.g. 24/12/2024 09:30) If no time is selected, only the date will be shown
{{Item.Date#Time}} -> Only the time if time is selected in the date column
{{Item.Date#Date}} -> Only the date of the date column (e.g. 24/12/2014)
You can easily change the format of your dates.
{{Item.Date | dd.MM.yyyy}} -> 24.12.2024
{{Item.Date | yyyy-MM-dd}} -> 2024-12-24
{{Item.Date | D}} -> Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Learn more about date formatting
Replace 'Files' with the actual title of your file column. If your column title is 'Picture', the placeholder would be {{Image(100;0):Item.Picture}}
{{Image(100;0):Item.Files}} -> Image with a width of 100 pixels
{{Image(50;0):Item.Files}} -> Image with a width of 50 pixels
{{Images(50;0):Item.Files}} -> Multiple images next to each other
Learn more about image placeholders
This placeholder creates a QR code with the link to the specific item. You can define the size by changing the first number in brackets.
{{Image(100;0):QR.ItemUrl}} -> QR code with a width of 100 pixels and link to the item Url
{{Image(50;0):QR.ItemUrl}} -> QR code with a width of 50 pixels and link to the item Url
This placeholder creates a QR code with any link. Replace 'Link' with the actual title of your link column. If your column title is 'Client Website', the placeholder would be {{Image(100;0):QR.Client Website}}
{{Image(100;0):QR.Link}} -> QR code with a width of 100 pixels and link to the Url in your link column.
Replace 'Status' with the actual title of your status column. If your column title is 'Project Phase', the placeholder would be {{Item.Project Phase}}
{{Item.Status}} -> Label of your status column (e.g. Done or Stuck)
{{Item.Status | WithColor}} -> Label with background highlight (e.g. Done or Stuck)
Replace 'Location' with the actual title of your location column. If your column title is 'Address', the placeholder would be {{Item.Address}}
{{Item.Location}} -> Full name and address
{{Item.Location#Address}} -> Only address
{{Item.Location#Country}} -> The country from location column (e.g. United Kingdom)
{{Item.Location#CountryShort}} -> The country code from location column (e.g. GB)
{{Item.Location#City}} -> The city from location column (e.g. London)
Replace 'People' with the actual title of your people column. If your column title is 'Task Owner', the placeholder would be {{Item.Task Owner}}
{{Item.People}} -> Full name of monday user in the people column
{{Item.People#Emails}} -> Email addresses of assigned people
{{Item.People#PhoneNumbers}} -> Phone numbers of assigned people
{{Item.People#Count}} -> Number of assigned people in people column
Replace 'Creation log' with the actual title of your creation log column. If your column title is 'Created', the placeholder would be {{Item.Created}}
{{Item.Creation Log}}
{{Item.Creation Log#Name}}
{{Item.Creation Log#Date}}
{{Item.Creation Log#DateTime}}
Replace 'Link' with the actual title of your link column. If your column title is 'Website', the placeholder would be {{Item.Website}}
{{Item.Link}} -> Url as text format (e.g. https//
{{Item.Link#Text}} -> Custom text from your link column (e.g. Link to Website)
{{Hyperlink:Link}} -> Custom text from your link column and it's clickable in the document (e.g. Link to Website)
Replace 'Formula' with the actual title of your formula column. If your column title is 'Total Hours', the placeholder would be {{Item.Total Hours}}
{{Item.Formula}} -> Content from your formula column
{{Item.Mirror}} -> Content from your mirror column. Make sure to replace 'Mirror' with the title of your column
Replace 'Column Title' with the actual title of your subitem column. If your column title is 'Payment Amount', the placeholder would be {{LastSubitem.Payment Amount}} Note: This only works with Item-Level documents if you want to add information from one specific subitem to your Item-Level documents. If you want to add a table of all related subitems, follow these instructions: Subitem Table
{{FirstSubitem.Column Title}} -> Content from your first subitem (the top one)
{{LastSubitem.Column Title}} -> Content from last subitem (e.g. {{LastSubitem.Name}} gives you the name of the last subitem)
A monday dropdown column can have multiple labels. With the normal placeholder {{Dropdown}}, the labels would be separated by comma. With our special placeholder, you can force the labels into the next line:
Replace 'Dropdown' with the actual title of your dropdown column. If your column title is 'Categories', the placeholder would be {
{{Dropdown}} -> Label 1, Label 2, Label 3
{{Dropdown | CommaToLineBreak}} -> Label 1 Label 2 Label 3
The following section is specifically for board-level documents like reports.
Replace 'ColumnTitle' with the actual title of your column. If your column title is 'Total Hours', the placeholder would be {{Sum[Total Hours]}}
{{Sum[ColumnTitle]}} -> Sum of a group for a specific column (e.g. 123 hours)
{{Board.Sum[ColumnTitle]}} -> Sum of the board for a specific column
{{Image:Sum[Status]}} -> Summary image of status column (default 80px width)
{{Image(50;0):Sum[Status]}} -> Summary image of status column with width of 50px